Clair’s Freebies Celebration Giveaway
My Dairy-Free Gluten-Free Life is sharing Clair’s Freebies excitement about hitting 25,000 Fans and sharing her giveaway! We all love our fans and we also love to cheer our blogger friends when they have reached goals. Clair’s Freebies is offering TWO $25 GC of winners choice and a $25 Mystery Box!
After all, we all get excited about the little things in life right? Well for bloggers is the little things like page views and fan count numbers! Clair’s Freebies recently hit 25,000 fans and we are sharing in the excitement!
This celebration will have THREE lucky winners!
Two Winners will receive a $25.00 Gift Card of their choice!
One Winner will receive a Mystery Box full of 25 Items!
Sound like fun? Simply enter for your chance to win using the Rafflecopter below. The giveaway begins now and runs through 11:59 pm Eastern time on May 9th. Only open to US households.
Good Luck!!
Enter on the Rafflecopter below:
**The participating bloggers were not compensated for this giveaway. Facebook, Twitter or any other social media sites are not affiliated with this giveaway. Any questions or concerns should be directed to Clair’s Freebies ~ clairsfreebies at yahoo dot com. Clair’s will do her best to get you the exact gift card of your choice but please understand that if you want one from your local pizza joint or grocery store that it may not be possible to obtain. Stores like Target, Walmart, Amazon, McDonalds, etc., big chain stores/restaurants will have to be considered. **

Visited 4 times, 1 visit(s) today
Surviving this week at school.
I was proud of making it to one of my weight loss goals!
Being able to stick to my new gluten free diet!!
i finally got all my fillings done. I had a bunch of cavities, but could only afford a couple 4 years ago. now it’s all filled and paid for!
My daughter had a band competition last night and her band got rated superior.
I think organizing my very messy house into tidy shape would be it. Now I’m going from tidy to neat!
My last big milestone was being able to run two miles without stopping!
I was proud of my son last year starting Jr. High school. Here Jr. High is 7th and 8th grade and he really wasn’t looking forward to school again, but once he started and found that he enjoyed some of his classes, he started liking to go to school again, or at least not minding it quite as much.
i just lost 20 pounds which made me pretty happy 🙂
My latest milestone was to regain permanent custody of my son.
I have a lot right now…. My daughter had her first job interview and she said she did amazing, so hopefully she gets good news. She is A honor roll in advanced AP classed and she is graduating May 12th! yay (all this will being sick and suffering with Crohns disease since 2007)
I lost 14 pounds.
Fantastic Willow!
I quit smoking
Oh that is super Barbara!
To no longer need blood pressure medicine!
Well, I found the milestone page, so I’ll leave one here. I was able to overcome chronic migraines enough to spend a few days helping my daughter after she had her baby. I hadn’t been able to do that before.
Taswmom I saw you other milestone too! You are doing very healthy things for yourself!
Our 20th anniversary was last summer.
Congratulations Denise! You are close to 21!
My proudest milestone is losing 20 lbs and keeping it off for a year. Still have more to lose but slow seems to be working
Robin, Congrats and keep going!
My last milestone was going to bed early and etting up early every day for 4 days! I hope to do that again soon and lengthen the number of days next time.
That is a healthy goal!
Graduating college with a Bba in accounting was a milestone.
Congratulations Christy!
I’m back in my same jeans from my 20’s.
Woot Jessica! Way to go!
I would have to say last milestone was loosing 10 pounds and keeping it off for over 2 months. 🙂
Super Rebecca and congrats!
I’m proud that I finished my first full length adult novel. (Laura DeLuca)
Wow! Great job!
My teen daughter was preforming in a play over last weekend!