I’m NOT a new years resolutions type of person. But having said that, I still look for healthy habits resolutions that aren’t solely focused on losing weight. I substitute the word “tips” for resolutions. I have more success when I don’t force myself but rather explore options. For those that want to improve their health, but aren’t concerned about losing weight, these tips are excellent choices that can have a lasting impact on your life, and as a side you may even drop a few pounds without even trying. Get ready early to implement these healthy habits “tips” into your routine to improve your life and your health.
5 Healthy Habits Resolutions “Tips” That Aren’t Weight Loss
There are many healthy habits to choose from that have a long-term effect on your health. The ones chosen and shared below are easy for anyone to fit into their budget and can become habits that last a lifetime. They are also things that anyone in your family can manage to do without a struggle.
1. Stop eating processed food products. Changing your eating habit isn’t just about losing weight. It can also make changes in how your entire body reacts on a regular basis. You will be amazed how much your body loves NOT having processed foods given to it! A diet rich in nutrient-dense vegetables, fruits, and fiber-rich foods like oatmeal and non-processed grains is a much healthier choice for you and your family.
If you are concerned about being able to manage healthier meals that don’t utilize processed foods, investing in a few tools and menu plans is a great idea.
- An Instant Pot makes fast meals possible with simple healthy ingredients.
- A Slow Cooker means many meals can cook while you are working.
- Investing in menu plans from various bloggers like the 100 Days Of Real Food and programs like Plan To Eat or EMeals can give you easy health ideas.
2. Exercise regularly. I cannot begin to say how important it is for you to exercise and for your children to see you active. If you have kids, exercising and staying active together as a family builds long-lasting healthy habits. Your children will thrive in life now and as adults. Whether you are single or have a family, a home gym is nice to workout in, or going for bike rides, hikes, or simple walks in the neighborhood is just as effective.
If you have children, a local gym membership at a YMCA may be a great decision. Most locations offer free on-site childcare while you workout, so you can begin getting them use to the routine even as toddlers or young children. While you don’t need to have your young kids in the gym lifting weights, it is important for them to see the routine of regular exercise part of your life.
3. Get enough sleep at night. How many of us get up in the morning yawning and still exhausted from the day before? Many of us find that we just don’t get enough sleep at night. Between juggling household chores, work responsibilities, and family needs, midnight or 1am have become the normal bedtime for many parents and singles alike. When your alarm goes off at 6am to get yourself up and ready for work each day, you realize you are depriving yourself of important physical rest your body needs to thrive.
One of the best choices you can make for healthy habits resolutions for yourself or you and your family this year is to make sure everyone is getting enough sleep. This includes making a set bedtime for your children, and turning off devices or putting down books yourself to focus on sleep and getting your body the rest it desperately needs. Most adults need at minimum 7-9 hours of sleep at night and children need 8-10 hours of sleep at night. Put your needs first! You will feel better for it.
4. Stop speaking ill about yourself. Do you realize that bad self talk is a habit that can change your health? When you are talking down about yourself or becoming depressed about your own self-worth, that can drastically change your health. Your mental and emotional stability play a huge part in your physical health.
Stop degrading yourself. Stop the negative thinking. Instead, take time each day to remind yourself of good things you have accomplished or are capable of already. Make a list of good qualities you are proud of, and remind yourself of these regularly. This also includes the bad habit you may have of saying things like, “that was really dumb” when you make a mistake. Be a good example to your children by not being negative about yourself.
5. Take time for yourself. “Me-time” is a phrase that has been used a lot in popular culture over the last few years but it is for good reason. Everyone needs time alone for themselves. Whether it is a few minutes each day to meditate or journal, or to take a weekend getaway without kids once a quarter, me-time is important. This makes you a better partner, parent, and friend.
One of the best healthy habits resolutions “tips” you can make is to put yourself first and make your emotional and physical health a priority in every way. Whether you are feeding yourself healthier foods, getting more sleep, or making time to nurture yourself in quality meditative alone time, these are excellent places to begin.

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