Have you tried any Natural Treatments for Seasonal Depression or The Blues? When I go outside and take a deep breath I know the seasons are changing. Are you prone to the blues with less sunshine? Here in Alaska, days grow shorter, the temperatures get colder and many of us get what is known as seasonal depression, aka The Blues or seasonal affective disorder (SAD).
Most of us in my family The Blues. I usually drag out the SAD lamp this time of year. Many psychiatrists recommend that those of us who live in the far northern climates start using a SAD lamp as early as August! But I just can’t seem to bring that lamp out until late September into October. But I have had problems the last 2 winters so this year I will bring out the SAD Lamp in August.I bought a SAD Lamp for our younger son and recommended SAD light therapy for many people. All that is needed is 15-20 minutes a day reading or having a cup of your favorite drink while sitting in front of one of a SAD lamp. Just make sure you get one that has 10,000 lux for the light. I use the one pictured below, recommended by my psychiatrist:Treatment for Seasonal Depression or The Blues
If you suffer from The Blues or SAD and would like to try something in addition to OR instead of a SAD lamp, try any of the following all-natural mood boosters. One is sure to lift your spirits.Be outside. Sunlight and fresh air will do wonders for your mood. There is nothing quite as rejuvenating as the crisp autumn air. The smell and feel of autumn just make me smile. Even on a cool cloudy day, the light you receive is beneficial, so bundle up and take a brisk walk, if only for a short while.
Laugh often. Laughter is healing. It is good for your mood as well as your health. Read a light-hearted book, watch a comedy and find humor in yourself, your family and friends. Pets can be especially funny so try spending some time around animals. The key is to take a few moments every day to find the humor in your life.Eat healthy snacks. Snacks such as cookies, candy or soft drinks are packed with refined sugar. These may give you temporary high after consuming them, but you will also likely experience a crash a few hours later. This crash can actually make you feel worse than you did before you had the snack. Instead of high-sugar snacks, opt for healthier foods such as nuts, fruits and whole grains.Stay active. I know I become less active as the days become shorter and the temperatures cool down. Here in Alaska it stays dark so late in the morning with the sun barely skirting the horizon at 10 AM and going down by 4PM or earlier that it makes me feel like going into hibernation. Instead, it is important to maintain or increase your activity levels. Not only will you burn calories and fat, your body will produce endorphins while you are active that improves your mood and gives you extra energy.Tap into your sense of smell. Fall is the time for baking and wonderful aromas. Think about pumpkin pie baking, hot apple pie or cider, freshly baked cookies, homemade bread or heartwarming stews. Do you have a smile on your face yet?More About The Blues
You can use aromatherapy to bring you joy and boost your mood. Fragrances like cinnamon, vanilla, lavender, jasmine and sandalwood are excellent mood boosters and you can find them in essential oils as well as candles. Other feel-good scents include peppermint, citrus, coffee, rosemary, roses, irises and geraniums. You might also like simple things that remind you of years past such as baby lotion, old leather, fresh-cut wood, grandma’s perfume or even the scent of a farm. These things you might have to look a little harder for, but the wonderful memories they hold are well worth the trouble. You could also try using CBD, oil or gummies! I use CBD oil daily and my husband knows if I skip a day!
Snuggle with an animal. There really isn’t anything better to help brighten your mood than the love of a pet. In fact, scientists have proven that just being around a pet can greatly improve your mood. They love and accept you unconditionally, what could be better than that?
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*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

Thanks so much for the info, going to print it out and post on fridge, to remind myself!