My Dairy Free Gluten Free Life!
My Dairy Free Gluten Free Life
My Dairy Free Gluten Free Life is finally official! I have been trying for a long time to get Facebook to change my Facebook page from My Vegan Gluten Free Life to My Dairy Free Gluten Free Life and they finally did it yesterday! You have probably noticed that I’ve changed my other social medias to Dairy Free GF Life.
What does this mean to you, my vegan readers? I plan to continue posting on healthy eating and living and will continue to post Vegan as well as recipes with other protein. I found that since I wasn’t “pure” Vegan using eggs and honey…which of course I know are not considered Vegan….making allowances in the recipes didn’t seem to be enough for some.
Also since I began a journey for health and found, for “MY” body, that eating high protein with low carbohydrates is the only way I have been able to lose weight, I have added some animal protein in my diet. I feel so good now. I can’t believe that even my HDL came up and my LDL’s went down as did my total cholesterol, eating animal protein!! Go figure. So I am changing the name of my blog to totally reflect how I am now eating and plan to continue to eat. Chicken, fish and eggs have been added to my diet for protein, organic of course.
I am intolerant to dairy so I cannot eat dairy, whey or casein and in my recipes I will continue to have NO DAIRY. I am also intolerant to gluten so in my recipes I will continue to have NO GLUTEN. But you may find that I post more recipes with chicken, fish or eggs. I will continue to post Vegan recipes as well since I continue to eat Vegan meals. Eating High Protein, Low Carb Vegan is doable but I tire of Vegan protein shakes 3 times a day and you will see that shift reflected in my recipes. I will post an alternative to the animal protein that may be used. There are so many wonderful animal protein substitutes available!
Why don’t I just use the Vegan meat alternatives that are available in the market you may ask. Let me tell you I would dearly love to but every meat alternative I have seen except 1 contains gluten. There are 3 VEGAN meat alternatives that do not contain gluten that I am aware of. I use one now, Butler’s Soy Curls and I love them. My Dairy Free Gluten Free Life will be sampling a new gluten free meat alternative soon with a review. It is brand new. The 3rd is very hard for me find and the company that makes it does not sell samples or regular product except to retail stores. So maybe in time I will be able to use these products for meat (gluten-free) substitutes.
I will be beginning a series on living Gluten Free soon so please check back.
And since I will always use eggs and honey, this blog is now My Dairy Free Gluten Free Life.

So glad to have found this blog!
I have not really given much thought to Gluten Free but maybe I should. I know how I feel after eating food that is not good for you. Thanks for sharing!
I think your recipes look amazing and can’t wait to try them. After being told I had Celiac Disease in late 2005, I recently was told by 3 doctors that I have never had Celiac from studying my very first test results through the years since. I couldn’t believe that I had given up so much and spent extra money on gluten free products. Jumping right in to eating my favorite missed foods, I soon had put on 16 pounds and felt terrible. I also realized that the foods I’d missed didn’t taste as great as I always remembered. So, I decided that going back to gf may be the best for me after all. It is nice to know that I don’t have to worry bout getting glutened but it has been an eye opener for sure learning to think about how my body feels after I eat. Now, to get those pounds off!
Thanks for sharing your experience Terrie. Many people are showing signs of Celiac but don’t have the disease…they have Gluten Intolerance or a Gluten Sensitivity. One of the major universities is doing studies and trying to find out why this is occurring. The treatment is the same…staying off Gluten. Good luck on shedding those pounds. I understand about giving up foods…. I think I actually went through a time of mourning! Since I’ve found Montana Gluten Free Products I finally found a bread that tastes like bread and am feeling much better about eating gluten free!
I am very interested in learning more about this option. It could be something my family needs to take a hard look at using.
Sherryl…just ask me if you need any help or suggestions. I’ve been dairy free for years…but only gluten free for almost 2 now.
Yay! Excited to follow your journey!
Thanks Kristina!
I have tried going vegan several times and this last 2 months I did my last vegan attempt. Every time I go vegan for a few weeks I start gaining weight and it will not come off no matter how much I workout. Just adding a few bites of seafood a day allows my metabolism to pick up so I can start burning some fat. Also my hair started thinning on top and my knees felt loose or weak when I was running.
Wow really? Well I know for me it wasn’t working but I know some who do just fine. That’s why I say we all are different with different needs. Glad you are feeling better apples and ginger!