Make Your Period More Bearable With CBD Oil
Today we are going to take a trip down memory lane. Remember when you were a tween, transitioning into womanhood? Boy, those were the days. Between the worries over popularity, dealing with school, and checking for pimples just starting to crop up, it was a pretty wild time.
Puberty comes with its own set of worries, two of the biggest questions being when you’re going to grow breasts, and above all, when oh when will your period come? Every tween worries over when their visit from Aunt Flo might come for the first time and usher her into femininity. In our minds it is a great honor and a rite of passage. I am woman, hear me roar, right?
Now let’s come back into the present, and get real. Your period? It sucks! That little tween had no idea what kind of issues she was wishing on herself. Periods come with a ton of complications: you’re bloated, you’re cramping, you’re hungry and you hate EVERYONE. Every 28 days you find yourself doing your best Jekyll and Hyde impression, and you feel like your entire body is rebelling against you.
You’ve tried to take some pills to bring yourself some peace, but it takes a lot of medicine to cover all of the problems your period causes, doesn’t it? You’re going to need something to help with the bloating, a pill for the pain, and maybe a little something to lighten the mood. If you are the type of person who cannot take many medicines, or prefers to seek a more natural route, let’s try another option: CBD oil!! As you know, CBD oil is getting a lot of attention for the medicinal benefits. Let’s see whether CBD oil can take care of period related issues for good.
Ugh, cramps. If there is anything that is terrible, it is menstrual cramps. The worst part is that many women don’t get them, and they love nothing better than to tell you that right as a uterine contraction is ready to send you into a meltdown. CBD oil is great for muscle tension and pain, helping to lessen uterine contractions. There, that’s a little better, isn’t it?
Sometimes your period makes you feel angry, and you stomp around in a rage. Other times? You’ll experience period related depression as your hormones take over your body for the next few days. CBD oil can help with mood swings and depression. Otherwise you can continue crying over cute cat memes on the internet, that works too.
Now this is a surprising twist. Did you know that CBD oil can also help with Acne? Many women find themselves having an outbreak of unwanted acne near the time of their monthly woes. If you were in any doubt about trying CBD to help with your period, this is a big sign that it can be a great all around treatment for your menstrual madness.
You’ll never be that tween girl again, but you may be able to get into a place where you hate your period a little less. Besides the symptoms we mentioned above, CBD can help with fatigue, allow you to get a little more rest, and help with nausea. Instead of reaching for the Midol when you enter your next moon phase, go for the CBD oil instead.
**I am affiliated with Charlotte’s Web, they have the best CBD Isolate Oils, Softgels, Gummies and Creams! Free ground shipping on orders over $75
*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

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