Why Is It Important To Use An Experienced Botox Injector
Botox treatments remain the most common cosmetic nonsurgical procedures in the U.S.
For what many thought to be taboo and scary—needles stuck in your skin that inject a deadly toxin into the facial area to get rid of wrinkles—is now accepted as just another way to turn back the clock on aging.
While those that walk the red carpets as “Hollywood Royalty,”often appear looking much different and younger than the last time they were on camera, it’s now clear what treatment plan they use to tighten unwanted wrinkles. Botox.
Trained Professional or A Quick Money-Maker?
Like with everything else that becomes an attractive money-maker, everyone that can get access to a syringe claims to be a “Botox specialist.” Suddenly there is a surge in practitioners hoping to score along the way as they start advertising a special on Botox treatments.
With this in mind, think of all the celebrities that you see on those same red carpets that are not even recognizable due to Botox treatments performed by someone who has little training and a lot of dollar signs in their eyes. “Make sure you find an experienced professional to inject your botox. Read online reviews on websites like realself and Yelp. And always ask a lot of questions before your procedure” said Dr. Alex Roher rated as the best botox in San Diego according to Yelp.
So, how do you know who is legit and who is just jumping on the Botox boat to make some fast cash while not being concerned with the outcome? Before you decide to let someone do your Botox injections, you need to ask yourself Why Is It Important To Use An Experienced Botox Injector?
When considering getting Botox, your first thought may be to go to a dermatologist or a plastic surgeon, but you see advertisements from other providers that offer treatments as well. While Botox treatments are a simple procedure, you still should seek an experienced and trained professional.
Potential Issues With Botox Injections
Many things can and will go wrong if treatment involves just anyone who claims they understand the process. For instance, if the injections are too low, too deep, or placed in the wrong area, you could experience droopy eyelids.
Bruising from Botox
When a needle injects into the skin, there is a high chance that bruising will occur in and around the area. With Botox, your doctor will do everything possible to avoid this from happening by using the smallest needles to properly inject the solution while avoiding as many veins as possible.
However, you may very well experience more bruising by someone who lacks in the necessary training to know just how and where to make the injection site. Even with the most trained and experienced doctors, bruising is possible. But, with someone who has little training, you could suffer from lasting bruising that will hinder your looks even deeper.
Excessive Swelling
Botox injections come in a liquid form that is superficially injected directly under the skin. Just like when you are receiving fluids from an IV in the hospital, swelling may occur in the direct area. The same can happen with Botox injections. If the fluid is injected too fast or too much injected all together, large areas of swelling will occur.
These areas that form large lumps under the skin will remain until your body absorbs the liquid. With standard treatments performed by a trained professional, swelling in small areas may occur, but nothing a little ice won’t resolve.
Although it may be common for a little swelling to take place, excessive swelling to one region of the face is not something you want to see after a treatment you sought to improve your looks.
Asymmetrical Features
An experienced, trained professional will go to the extremes ensuring that one side of your face matches the other side. To do this, a professional must inject the same amount of Botox on the left side of the muscle as the right side. This is especially important with men getting botox.
If one side has more solution injected than the other, your facial features will appear a bit off. The amount of Botox and the area injected is crucial to the outcome of your treatment.
Most people have a more dominant side where the muscles are stronger compared to the opposite side. How much and where the injections are can quickly add to the way your procedure make your facial features appear.
One side could require more Botox than the other, and if someone with little training attempts this step, things could easily get out of hand. The results that you see with the strange appearance of celebrities is an excellent example of this.
Lazy Eye
Lazy eye, or “Ptosis” to the professional, is another reason why seeking a trained professional to perform your Botox injections is necessary. Medical error is the number one reason why after simple everyday procedure leaves a patient with a lazy eye.
The reason for this is a mistake on the doctors part by injecting the wrong muscle causing injury to the eyelid and its function. Errors such as this happen very quickly with Botox treatments if the procedure is not carefully guided by a trained professional.
Botched treatments happen. For most, the outcome is something they are satisfied with and continue the process for as long as they are receiving good results. However, when something goes wrong, it’s because the person performing the injections have no clue what they are doing.
Real results happen, but they fade faster than expected, this usually means under treatment occurred which can lead to unsatisfying results, such as drooping. However, if overtreatment occurs, your face will look uneven and frozen in areas.
In Closing, Do your homework
The list goes on and on of what may happen if you take the risk of letting just anyone do your Botox injections. It may seem like a simple procedure, but keep in mind, do your research, read reviews.

There are some side effects of Botox but this is the most safest treatment available.