Home-made Salsa
This is the time of year that the tomatoes are just ripening off the vine! I need to make me some Home-made Salsa. Becky is sharing her recipe (modified from a big oven recipe) for home-made salsa! If you don’t have a bunch of tomatoes growing in your yard or greenhouse, check out the local farmer’s market and pick up some great buys there for your home-made creations.
Homemade Salsa Recipe:
Ingredients you will need:
3-4 whole tomatoes, coarsely chopped
3 cloves fresh garlic, peeled
1 bunch green onions
1 bunch cilantro
Jalapeño peppers to taste
Salt to taste
Putting it all together:
This is a pretty easy recipe! All you have to do is place all the ingredients into a blender or food processor, and chop for 30-60 seconds depending how thick you like your salsa! Enjoy as is or continue to place salsa in glass containers and can in a water bath until processed to enjoy in the winter months.
Recipe provided by Becky Fowler who cooks dairy-free, gluten-free, soy-free, nut-free for her son. Becky has 2 small children and loves to sew and crochet in her spare time and can be found at Sew Need It.

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