7 Benefits to Drinking Lemon Water Every Morning
We all need to form habits that will make us healthier. Drinking a glass of lemon water each morning is an easy habit that will be very useful! With its list of benefits that I have listed below, you’ll be doing your body a favor by drinking fresh water with lemon on a daily basis. The best way to drink lemon water is first thing in the morning, 30 minutes to 1 hour before eating breakfast.
If you do not have lemons available all the time you could substitute Lemon Essential Oil in your drinking water. Lemon essential oil provides antioxidants that help support the cleansing organs to remove even more toxins out of your body.
Squeeze the juice of a fresh lemon directly into 1 cup of warm water or use 1 – 2 drops of lemon essential oil, and enjoy these seven benefits of drinking lemon water every morning!
1. Rehydration – When you wake up in the morning, you’ll likely feel parched. Your body hasn’t had anything to drink for several hours. Lemon in your water provides your body with the electrolytes needed for proper hydration. Sure, you can rehydrate with plain old water, but lemon will give you even more of a boost.
2. Joint Health – It’s possible you get out of bed with your body aching from being sedentary all night. Or, you may still be feeling the aches and pains of overdoing exercise or work the day before. Lemon in your water will help eliminate the uric acid, which collects around your joints to cause discomfort.
3. Digestion – Lemon water starts up your digestive tract so that when you eat breakfast, your body is ready to break down the food. Enzymes in the fruit help your body produce gastric acids, assisting your body to properly metabolize foods.
4. Immune Health – Starting your day with a glass of lemon water helps build your immunity. Since lemons are packed with Vitamin C, regularly consuming the fruit will help your body ward off germs, or fight a cold if you happen to catch one.
5. Weight Loss – When drank on an empty stomach, lemon water will boost your metabolism. This allows your body to start burning calories before you take the first bite of breakfast. Also, the pectin fiber in lemons will help you fight hunger cravings, reducing the amount of food you eat each day.
6. Energy Booster – Since your metabolism is activated first thing in the morning, drinking lemon water will give you more energy. As your body is burning off fat storages, you’ll be more energetic and ready to take on your day.
7. Oral Hygiene – The antioxidants packed in lemons help promote good oral health as you consume the juice each morning. It can wash away the causes of bad breath, and also help with gingivitis and plaque. You’ll want to rinse your mouth with plain water after consuming lemon water, to avoid damage to your enamel.

I love lemon water, but always forget to make it a part of my daily routine. I need to do this!
I have plans to start this next week when I get to go to the store!