$1000 Halloween Giveaway
We have joined up with some great bloggers to bring you this $1000 Halloween Cash Giveaway! Two (2) lucky winners will split the prize and each win $500 Cash! The giveaway starts 9/15 @6PM EST and ends on 10/31/16 at 11:59 PM. This giveaway is open WW, void where prohibited.
What are you doing for Halloween this year? Do you have many kids come to your home to trick or treat? We live out in the country and no one comes out there. I am glad that many schools and churches have parties for kids so it is safer for the children.
What could you use some extra Halloween $$$ Cash for? Tell me in the comments.
For your chance to win, enter on the giveaway form below:
Disclaimer: This blog did not receive compensation for the published material in this post. No purchase required to enter this giveaway and there is a limit of one entrant per household. Void where prohibited. Odds of winning are determined by the number of valid entries received. Winner will be chosen by Random.org and will be emailed via the email address used to enter the contest. New winner(s) will be chosen if original winner(s) has not responded within 48 hours of email notification. This blog and other participating bloggers are not responsible for shipment of prize(s). This giveaway is not administered, sponsored, endorsed by, or associated with Facebook, Twitter, Google, Pinterest or other social media outlet. Disclaimer is posted in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission 10 CFR, Part 255 Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.

I love all of the great costumes and sweet Indian candy the most on my Halloween holiday.
my favorite thing about Halloween is the deco items related to Halloween
trick or treat
I love all the great costumes that people come up with!
I love to see all the kids out trick or treating dressed up having fun.
I like taking my kids trick or treating
I love seeing the kids dressed up.
We love giving out candy to the kids. Our grandkids stop by and try to trick us.
I love decorating for halloween as I have never really been into the trick or treating even as a kid. It’s fun when kids come to the house and like all the decorations.
That would make for 1 great party! Now that my kids have grown up , I have to finally admit I am guilty of poaching a Reese’s cup or two!
I love getting tanked, watching a bunch of horror movies, handing out candy and seeing the kids have fun.
I love all the candy…maybe even more than my kids!
I would used the $500 to buy me a pair of bills sneckers and a Halloween costume ,new makeup and buy my mom something
I love to dress up
My favorite thing about Halloween is dressing up!
seeing the kids have a good time
I love seeing all the little children’s faces when you give them there treats,and of course how they r dressed up
I love seeing the kids dressed up in their costumes.
my favorite thing about Halloween is seeing all my kids dressed up for trick or treating!
my faovirte thing aobut Halloween is seeing all the little kids dressed up for trick or treating
dressing up is my fave and well seeing my son get candy
My favorite thing about Halloween is when the hubs and I go pick out our pumpkins and then each year he surprises me with the carving theme. Simple things are so sweet! Thank you for the giveaway! Good luck to everyone!
My favorite thing about Halloween is all the candy we got.
We don’t really celebrate Halloween anymore but I do love the creative costumes people come up with especially when they are home made.
My favorite thing about Halloween is that they always show scary movies and stuff in tv. Thanks for this giveaway! It would be nice to win 😀
I like the Day of the Dead stuff
i love decorating, doing crafts with my kids, coming up with costume ideas and seeing how much fun they have once they’re out trick or treating. i also love haunted houses.
My favorite thing about Halloween is the candy of course!
My favorite thing about Halloween is taking the kids out Trick or Treating.
I must say that I love the candy, and have a special weakness for candy corn!
My favorite thing is looking at all the unique costumes that people come up with.
My favorite thing about Halloween is passing out candy to all of the cute trick-or-treaters!
I like the fact that candy goes on sale the day after. 🙂
My favorite thing about Halloween is the haunted houses.
I love going to techno parties with a scary mask.
I love dressing up super scary.
trick or treating for sure and the fun we have
I love seeing all the cute costumes on the trick or treaters.
I love baking the Jack-O-Lantern sugar cookies and frosting and decorating them,they are large,homemade and delicious!
My favorite thing about Halloween is the delicious candy 🙂
My favorite thing about Halloween is helping my daughter pick out her costume!
My favorite thing about Halloween is the candy!
My favorite thing is the candy!
All the spooky decorations and CANDY make Halloween so much fun!
My favorite thing about Halloween is that you can pretend to be anyone you want to be for an evening.
Watching all the excited and dressed up children
I love watching the children run around the neighborhood. I can remember all the fun and freedom I felt on Halloween.
I love, Love, LOVE the candy!!!
My favorite thing about Halloween is taking my son trick or treating.
My favorite thing about Halloween is my kids getting excited about dressing up! And then, of course, there’s the “candy tax!”
My favorite thing about Halloween is the creepier the decoration the better
Comment on your favorite thing about Halloween on the blog post below!
io like watching the old horror movies..thanks
My favorite thing about Halloween is seeing all the little kids dressed up. They’re so cute and excited about everything.
Actually, since my daughters and I are involved in cosplay, Halloween has become just another day in some ways for us. We are usually at an anime convention on Halloween, but love watching the kids who haven’t been to one of these events before, looking at all the costumes.
I love giving out candy and watching the kids all dressed up.
I like scary movies, all of the great costumes, and candy corn!
I like seeing all three kids in their little costumes
My favorite thing about Halloween is seeing all the cute costumes all the kids wear, esp the little ones. Some of them are so adorable. Thank you.
Our church has a community trunk or treat and chili dinner. We usually have around fifty or so cars that show up to pass out candy and other fun things like coloring books to the children. Our family lives several miles out of town and no one comes around to trick or treat at our house so we are very happy that we have this activity to be a partt of. My older children have already decided that they want to be Dragonball characters. We are thinking of having our youngest join onto their theme.
If we won this prize we would use the money to buy more fun homeschool supplies that we have not yet had the budget to get. With four kids that I homeschool the funds we set aside for homeschooling go really fast.
Homeschooling is hard work but well worth it. Trunk or treat sounds fun!
My favorite thing about Halloween is the decorations! Spiders and ghosts and jack-o-lanterns, oh my! I’d use this cash prize to purchase non-food treats for trick-or-treaters. And it would be fun to host a party for our food allergy family and friends with safe, home-baked treats!
Ya it would! I’d be doing the teal pumpkin campaign if I had little ones at home 🙂 Didn’t have them in my day.