My Dairy-Free and Gluten-Free Pantry must haves
When I started my journey into eating Vegan, I had the help of my sister and niece who guided me on what to buy and where to get it. I thought that since I am gluten free now for only a couple months and I’m still trying to find what I need for my Pantry to live Dairy-Free and Gluten-Free….it may help others to know what I use for this kind of eating and living. I wish I had a walk in pantry! I have things all over the house!
Remember what you find here is what I use… it is not a total list of what is available! And living in Alaska is not like having Trader Joe’s and Natural Food at my finger tips! I stock up from the Natural Pantry in Anchorage when I am there and I also buy many things online.
Every person needs some special tools to work with in the kitchen, especially when you cook Vegan and Gluten-Free. Here are a list of the things I really can’t seem to do without!
1. A Good Blender
Most household blenders will do an O.K. job of making vegan and gluten-free recipes if you blend for a long time and the engine doesn’t overheat. I have a Blendtec and a Vitamix. Your can see my Blendtec Review Here. Many people hesitate to purchase such a high price item but it really is worth your time and the price.
2. A Food Processor
Yes there still are things you need a food processor for that a Blendtec doesn’t do such as shredding or sliciing veggies in seconds!. It’s just a handy device. And as I write this, I am looking for a new one since my husband took over my Cuisinart and is using it to make “CHUM” for fishing! YUK.
3. A Rice Cooker
I know many make rice the old fashioned way…but I grew up using a rice cooker and I couldn’t cook without one! Set it on brown rice, turn it on and it dings when it’s done! Perfect every time.
4. A nonstick skillet or electric grill
I have a very large ScanPan which I absolutely love. I love a 12 inch or larger skillet!
5. Crockpot
6. A Non-stick Waffle Iron
I make lots of waffles! I freeze the leftovers and use them for breakfast with peanut butter and applesauce! Home made Waffles are so much more healthy and keep me from getting hungry before midday!
7. A Food Dehydrator
Cookbooks that I LOVE and use
If you have favorites please email me via the contact form and tell me about your favorite product.

Lots more people are choosing vegan and gluten free for health reasons more. This is info I will pass on to my niece who is interested in this. You have lots of good meals and information. thanks
Thanks ANN*H! I know when I started I wish I had info to make it easier…something tried and true and yummy so I didn’t have to experiment so much!
I’m working on getting these things, it sure is going slowly since I’m trying to win most of it, lol 🙂
I really like the info about Kitchen Tools. This gives me some great ideas for my nephew and his wife. She has to eat gluten-free. Thank you.
I must say I enjoy visiting your site! Having lost 100 lbs it’s important to me to stay healthy & fit. You always such fantastic helpful hints for us and I thank you!!. My son is a fitness buff. He does the body by Vi, is at the gym constantly & takes all kinds of supplements. Today he was here and I had your tab open. He asked “mom what is this for?” I quickly answered “you!!” He sat at my computer for the longest viewing your blog. Later as he left he said to me….”call me later with that blog info”..This is true stuff!! Thanks again… Fabulous blog guys!!
Becky Schollian, Thank you so much for your comments! I am meeting my goals if you are happy and find helpful hints on my blog. I hope your son also finds some helpful things…tell him to post his comments and if he has tips I’d love to share them.
I need a couple of these items, I’m not Vegan though I am trying to rid our food supply of most gluten’s just because I now know how bad this stuff is, and our kids deserve better… And there is nothing better than making the food yourself, right? Thank you for the article 🙂
Fantastic, minimalist list. NOthing fancy-shmancy, which I love! I would also like to see your pantry food staples….
hmmm I may have to make a food staples list for the pantry 🙂
It must be difficult to be vegan and gluten free at the same time.. well at least when not making your own meals
I need to do something about my eating habits. I am not sure if I can stay a vegan but it definitely sounds interesting.
I need to get a food processor .
Great info! Thanks for sharing.
It is kind of hard not to have gluten as a vegan for me. Because it’s kind of expensive to buy vegan product in my country.
I used to be Vegan…lasted 6 months.
I’ve learned a lot from your site about gluten/foods/recipes, etc. Just months ago I thought that gluten free meant diabetic friendly food. Guess not. I’ve never used a rice cooker before but lately I’ve been hearing a lot about them, sounds like it would be a good purchase.
The way you present information simply yet thoroughly keeps me coming back. Your recipes are right up my alley too. I had to lighten up my diet from red meat because of my nervous system issues. I have shared your site with my sister too since her daughter’s doctor suggested a gluten-free diet.
I am a little dense about all this gluten stuff, your site and this info is awesome to help me learn.