TMJ and how Dentists can help
A friend of mine has had issues with TMJ for most of her adult life. Between her general anxiety and the very stressful nature of her job, she ends up clenching her teeth way too much. TMJ has given her sore teeth and an achy jaw. She used to see the same dentist as her mother. He tried to help her but he could not really stop her TMJ from interfering with her quality of life. When she moved to Westfield, the first thing she did was look for a new dentist. After searching for Westfield TMJ dentist, she found Dr. Deldar at Deldar Dental. Dr. Deldar and her husband specialize in this issue and see patients like her, or even worse off, all of the time. She made an appointment with high hopes, and she was not disappointed in the least. Dr. Deldar asked her a lot of questions about her teeth grinding and jaw clenching and she felt like she was really listening to what she had to say. She did not dismiss her the way her prior dentist did, and she did not make her feel like she should see a psychiatrist instead of a dentist. She came up with an action plan on her first visit, and she left feeling hopeful about the situation. For the first time in years, she did not spend the whole day in pain. She is very pleased with how Dr. Deldar treated her.

Visited 2 times, 1 visit(s) today
How wonderful that she has found refief and has a fantastic dentist for both of them
My hubby is a medical massage therapist that has tremendous success in helping TMJ patients to heal. If bite guards and dental work don’t provide the results you’re looking for, perhaps finding a qualified, Certified Medical massage Practitioner in your area is would be a better option. Good luck!!
My sister has TMJ. It can be really painful at times, and makes it hard to eat. I can hear her jaw popping when she chews. Im not really sure what they did when she went to the Dr, but, whatever it was it helped. Shes not in as much pain now. Its bearable. She didnt have insurance, so she had to wait til she had the money saved up. After watching her go thru it, Id hate for anyone else to have to.
So happy your friend found a good dentist. Sometimes it makes a huge difference in switching 🙂
TMJ is very painful at times. I have had it for years. It takes a lot of work to find a good dentist who actually knows about TMJ and can help you treat it. I wear a night gaurd and it has helped a ton. I used to grind my teeth so bad that I actually cracked a tooth in half. I am glad your friend found a good entist/ tell her not to give up hope. 🙂
Dental problems are NEVER fun — happy your friend found someone it seems she is compatible with for dental care!
Glad she found a dentist who will listen
I have had TMJ problems also & now my 14 year old daughter is also having problems. It’s not a fun thing to have wrong with your mouth. Thanks for the post and I will be looking for a good dentist for my daughter.
TMJ is not fun, and can be so painful that you can’t even eat. been there done that, mine was from a car accident, actually two separate ones.
Getting a upper splint worked for me, a lower one did not, drove me nuts.
if you think you have this problem, and can not afford a dentist or the splint, do yourself a favor, go to a sport supply store, buy a dental guard, they’re cheep like 4 bux. you mould it in hot water to fit your teeth… and make sure you wear it to bed… best time to rest the jaw with the splint.
Congratulations to your friend 🙂 It sounds like she found the perfect Doctor for her.