The little sticky PLU labels on fresh produce mean its either GMO or not!
It’s All about sticky PLU labels on fresh produce, You know those annoying sticky PLU labels you find on all kinds of vegetables like tomatoes and fruits like apples even nuts and herbs.
I hate removing them and finding the gummy sticky stuff left on the produce that I have to wash extra hard to get off. Well guess what! Those annoying sticky PLU labels may actually be able to tell us something about what we are buying besides the price. This is what I found out:
Usually I find a bunch of numbers on the sticky PLU labels but sometimes it has a country of origin on it also. But more important I find out now is that there are codes that are 4 digit & 5 digit. What do they mean?
4 digit sticky PLU labels: If what you buy has a sticky label with only 4 digits (numbers) it’s NOT good. It means it is conventionally raised and safe to believe the produce has been contaminated with pesticides and petroleum-based fertilizers and is grown in depleted soils. Really sounds yummy doesn’t it.
5 digit sticky PLU labels beginning with 8: If your produce begins with a number 8 don’t buy it! It means the produce is genetically modified or a GMO! It contains genes that were not put there by nature.
5 digit sticky PLU labels beginning with 9: Look for the number 9! It means that the produce has been grown to meet organic standards which is superior to conventionally grown.
Although foods are not required to be labeled GMO at this time, we can at least know that if the 5 digit number begins with 8 it is a GMO product. PUT IT BACK. Look for the sticky PLU labels that start with the number 9.
For more information on sticky PLU labeling check out the source article here.
If you would like to tell Congress it’s time to label GMO’s, you can sign a petition here from the Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine.
I hope this has helped shed some light so you know what you can do to be more healthy. I know for myself, I will be putting produce back sticky PLU labels starting with number 8!

There was a lot of money invested by major companies to vote for not labeling GMO foods. It should be regulated and should be labeled so anyone who is not in favor of GMO foods can know the facts. According to those companies labeling GMO foods will just confuse the customers. What do you think? does it confuse the customers or just a statement to get votes against labeling of GMO foods?
Thank you for posting this. I needed a refresher! Wish we didn’t have to deal with such things, but appreciate the info!
This is really good information. Unfortunately the tomatoes I have contain only four digits. Next time I’ll remember.
Wow! As a cashier, I deal with PLUs a lot. I knew about the difference between the 4 digit and the ones starting with a 9, but I didn’t know about the ones that start with an 8… I have never seen these in the store that I work at, but that doesn’t mean I think the 4 digit PLUs are any more trustworthy.
Ashley, I am tending to agree. Yesterday I saw the “9” for tomatoes and looked where they were from ( thinking the local greenhouse ). They were from Mexico! How can an organic non gmo come from Mexico and be fresh and non blemished and last for days? Doesn’t seem right to me!
Wow! Is this true?? Thank you so much for sharing! It’s certainly going to help us make the best choices! Thank you again.
Would I share something not true? I think not Katrina 🙂 Yes this is true!
Hmmm Verrrrryyyyy Interesting
Thanks Laura 🙂
thank you SO much for this great information. i’m copying it and putting it on my fridge so i remember to look at the labels every time i go to the store.
Thank you. I pinned this on my “good to know” board.
I just recently found out about this tip through some great facebook pages and I think it is great that you are sharing this information! Thank you <3
Thank you! For sure no 8s in our house..
Thank you for this! I will be keeping my eyes open my next grocery trip!
Very interesting.. A few years ago, I didnt really care what I ate, but now as I am getting older, and a lot more aware of what I am putting on the table for my family, tips and resources like this post is something I have come to rely on… That you so very much for sharing with us! I knew about this, but did not know the exacts of *what is what* so now I know!!
Thanks again!
Oooops, supposed to say *thank you so very much! lol dang typos!
Oh thanks so much for this info! I would have never guessed or figured out where to research that. I recently watched a video talking all about GMO and I recently went as organic as I can and removed all items from my pantry that contained MSG. Thanks so much. I am very glad I found this blog – even if it was for a giveaway. I am very excited to continue reading everything here.
Thanks! I had no idea. I appreciate the information! I like knowing what I am feeding my kids!
Wow I had no idea what those numbers meant besides to look up the price. Thanks for the information. I surely will be paying attention to those numbers next time!
Thank you so much for sharing this info. I try to purchase locally grown whenever possible. This info will definitely give me more confidence when buying produce in the supermarket.
Great article – never knew what the codes meant until now.
I was never aware that there were markings on fresh produce to distinguish it’s true origin. I will definately be more aware of my selections when produce shopping. Thank you for sharing!
This is great info. Kinda freaky that I probably have eaten some that I wouldn’t have gotten had I known about these numbers. Thanks
I will be looking for that 9 and 5 numbers! Thank you!
I knew this already…lol..but I can’t remember where I learned it…so I printed out your info ( so handy!) and sent it off to my Mom and sisters so they would know it as well… I wish more people were aware, because shopping patterns can definitely change what is being offered in stores. The more we choose not to eat these foods, the better chance we have of getting better options.
Oh my goodness! This post certainly got my attention and thank you for that! I too just find those stickers annoying and never even look at them except when I am peeling them off and trying to wash away the residue. It has become so ridiculous that we are not clearly informed of what is GM and what is not. I have always said that when humans get cocky enough to think that they can do better than nature itself, no good can come from it and as far as genetically modified produce goes, it is certainly true. I DON’T want it! Thanks so much for posting this information. I really appreciate it. 😉
Good information. I have printed it out to put in my coupon binder, so I won’t forget which codes are good and which codes are bad. Thank you.
This is really good information. Thank you for sharing. I have to admit, I’ve never even looked at those little labels and certainly never knew what they meant.
very interesting i will have to remember this!!
Wow…..thank you sister! Very interesting and valuable information. ~ me
Your welcome 🙂