Illinois Poison Center Submits Official Closure Notice
Save the Illinois Poison Center (IPC)
Did you know that the number #1 cause for injuries, hospitalizations and death for 18 – 36 month old children is POISON?
The Illinois Poison Center (IPC) is scheduled to close on July 1, 2014 – leaving Illinois the only state without Poison Control Services! The Senate has passed the ‘2 Cent Solution” and the bill is waiting action. You can find more information here:
Illinois needs YOUR Help, Poisoning of any kind can happen in the blink of an eye. Residents in Illinois need to have their Poison Control Center open and ready. Sign the Petition here to Save the IPC!
My personal story of poisoning and use of a state Poison Control Center:
When my son was 3 years old, he was into everything. He even ate the dirt from the potted house plants. I had to put everything out of his reach because saying “no” didn’t seem to mean anything to him.
My parents were to take care of him for two weeks while my husband and I went to Hawaii on vacation. I had told my mom to put everything questionable out of his reach. My mom did do that but, thinking he wouldn’t get into hidden areas in closets, my mom didn’t remove moth balls, which she had in her closets to keep the moths from eating clothing. My mom was looking for him one day and was horrified to find him eating moth balls, in the closet!!
She called the Poison Control Center for her state and they immediately sent out an ambulance. The crew followed a poison protocol which they had for “moth balls”. It was heartbreaking to hear what had to be done and not being able to be there. But due to the fast response of the Poison Control Center & emergency staff, my son recovered.
Mothballs are nearly 100% active ingredient, and the active ingredient may be either naphthalene or paradichlorobenzene. Each active ingredient can cause different health effects if the exposure is high enough. Mothballs slowly turn from solids to toxic vapor. When you smell mothballs, you are inhaling the insecticide. Mothballs can also be dangerous if they are chewed or eaten. Children, pets and wildlife may mistake them for food or candy and eat them. One mothball can cause serious harm if eaten by a small child. If someone has swallowed a mothball, call the Poison Control Center for emergency medical advice. SOURCE
Now what would you do if you lived in Illinois and didn’t have a Poison Control Center to call for help?
Please sign this petition to SAVE the Illinois Poison Center now!

Your story really illustrates the point of the poison control center! This should bring the point home to all parents.
Ashley, thanks. I am trying to help people realize how important this is!
How do they decide to close down a poison center? Pretty important resource!
Sarah Elyce, the almighty dollar…they say they don’t have enough! Really??
This is crazy, I live in a Illinois and will be signing the petition.
Ashley Feit, thanks!