Using some form of smoking materials has been practiced since early times, and only during that last few decades have the dangers of smoking been recognized. Once an individual develops an addiction to nicotine, the habit can be very difficult to stop. The effects of nicotine on the body are harmful in several ways including the proven fact that in causes lung cancer. Cancer and other diseases related to smoking kill at least four million people each year. Most smokers want to stop smoking, but only about 10 percent of the millions that try to quit are successful. If you are a woman or man between the ages of 18 and 75 who is currently smoker and you want to quit smoking today, a new clinical research study might be of interest to you. The study lasts 24 weeks with a 12 week period of active treatment. Participants will receive a transdermal nicotine patch or a placebo patch that is identical to the patch containing the study drug. Neither the participants nor their doctors will know whether the patch they have is a placebo or not. During the study you must not smoke or use any tobacco products, and you will receive counseling and support to stop smoking at each of 15 clinic visits. If you are serious about quitting smoking, this is a great opportunity to get the support and treatment you need to be successful. This program can help you become nicotine free and lead the longer, healthier life of a smoke free individual.
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I’m interested in this, but not sure if I’d be able to get to the clinic appointments. I’m trying to get my husband to quit, but it’s been very difficult. I wish I never started all those years ago. 🙁
This would be perfect for me because I really need to quit smoking but it is just so hard to do on my own so I think I will check into this. Thank you for sharing this wonderful information.
This would be perfect for me, I need to quit smoking too.
It’s way past time for my hubby and I to quit!!
I don’t care what kind of medicine or hypnosis or any other thing out there to help you stop smoking, if you don’t wanna quit, it is NOT gonna happen!!
I quit smoking in 2004 and it was the best thing I had ever done. I am glad that I gave my life the gift of health.
I quit smoking over 2 years ago and couldn’t be happier about my decision. There are trials at times but when you have faith in God and look back on what you have accomplished you can get through anything, one day at a time.
A friend died of lung failure, and anybody who tries to quit smoking is okay in my book. This happened before smokeless cigarettes were invented, and they may have helped her.
I smoke ~ I hate and I still do it! I have tried many times and I have a vapor cigarette that I spent good money on hoping it would help. I am trying!
I really need to quit!
I am a smoker and have been for a very long time. I have tried to quit so many times and every time I would start back up I would smoke even more so I just gave up. I really wished I had the will power.
I never smoked and neither did my husband however my Dad smoked for many years three packs of cigarettes and eventually had a leg amputated due to vascular problems. He quit cold turkey then and never touched a cigarette again…
That is a goid profram.I wanted my husband to quit wheb ur so hard for him!