Naturopathic Doctors in Alaska need your help!
We need your help!! Regulations have been proposed to restrict Naturopathic Physicians use of treatments including IV Mineral and Vitamin, Herbal therapies, Homeopathic prescriptions or Dietetic prescriptions in Alaska. January 24, 2012 is the last day the Regulations Department will accept comments on this.
Without Naturopaths’ free choice of my treatment, my quality of life will not be as good as it is now. My Naturopath identified gluten intolerance in me and helped me increase my Vitamin D level from 20 to 53. (My gluten intolerance was never diagnosed by my M.D. internist, despite multiple evaluations by her, and likewise, she was never able to get my Vitamin D levels up either). This is just the beginning. My Naturopath has also discovered severe allergies in my grandson to gluten, nuts and soy along with other foods, but only AFTER his M.D. pediatrician and M.D. dermatologist did not help! Without Naturopathic Physician care my grandson would still be suffering.
Please watch the video below and submit comments to leave the scope of care for Naturopathic Doctors in Alaska alone!
Please help us in supporting freedom of choice, please post your comments at the link above. Thank You.

Please don’t limit choices and let this professionals do there job. I support naturalistic treatments and believe they are cheaper then pharmaceuticals.