Just FYI, New Happenings!
Hi everyone. Here’s an update on what is happening at My Dairy Free Gluten Free Life. I will be changing my theme soon so if you go to my blog and it looks a bit different, don’t worry, you have arrived at the right page! I am streamlining the access to all my information and recipes. It will be easier for you to sign up to get my email RSS . Everyone who signs up will receive an e-cook booklet.
I have been very busy the last couple months. One of the things I am doing is eating more vegan recipes. I will still be offering recipes that are gluten free and dairy free, (that my daughter in law will be sharing), but my recipes are going to have a stronger plant based emphasis. Not all of them will be vegan because some will have honey or eggs. New things are happening here!
I just returned from a 10 day activity vacation in Hawaii that was sponsored by Dr. McDougall, who promotes a vegan diet. It is wonderful to go to events that have all the meals prepared for you and they are included in the price of the vacation! We stayed in beautiful Kona, Hawaii and had a wonderful time.
I use to eat a diet that was more plant based and Dr McDougall has rekindled my desire to do just that! One thing that Dr. McDougall stated is that dairy products have been documented to carry the Bovine Leukemia Virus and the Bovine AIDS Virus! (SOURCE) I won’t delve into the other problems associated with dairy products right now, but all I will say is this……”don’t eat dairy products”!
After having just returned from Dr. McDougall’s vegan diet seminar and adventure trip, I am beginning a 10 day vegan cleansing regimen today. I hope to share some recipes with you from this vegan cleansing event. This 10 day “detox” diet is sponsored by “Vegan Survivor”, and “Vegan Survivor” will be offering a giveaway event where one lucky reader will win a 10 day Vegan Challenge for themselves and a friend. Check back soon for this event.
If you have any questions that I can answer regarding plant based living, please leave a comment on this post and I will reply.
Here is to a wonderful & healthy new year!

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