Have you tried a Chiropractor lately?
I am a Registered Nurse and was trained in traditional medicine. As I grow older, I have recognized the benefits that alternative medicine can bring to a treatment plan. One such treatment is Chiropractic Services. The thought of ever considering to use a chiropractor is a western medicine no-no. I have had lots of back problems in my life and I attribute it to fracturing my SI (Sacral Iliac) joint in me teens and then being throw from a horse in my 20’s. I often have low back pain, but in addition, sometimes my back won’t straighten up and I can’t walk right. I was visiting my sister in Oregon when one of these episodes happened. I could not straighten up and was in so much pain that I threw caution to the wind and considered ANY treatment that might help me. It was a holiday and the only place I could find that would see me was a chiropractor. So in I went. I am sure you know by now, that I hadn’t a clue what to expect. I was envisioning all kinds of bone cracking and manipulating and really was terrified but in so much pain I didn’t care.
I was escorted into the evaluation/treatment room to wait until the chiropractor came in. When he entered, I noted that he was extremely tall and very kind appearing. He took my history and said he could help me and had me lay on this table that looked rather scary to me with pieces that would drop out from under parts of my body. He yanked, pulled, pushed body parts around and I was scared to death but nothing hurt that he did. The end result was that at the end of his treatment I stood up correctly, had NO pain and could walk like nothing had happened. He said that my SI joint had “gone out” and was out-of-place. I was so grateful to him for his help! My joint has not gone out since.
I am glad to know that there is a Stockton chiropractor since I have family in Stockton. Should I ever have problems while visiting there, at least I know someplace to get help. So to those of you that have not tried a chiropractor I say, don’t be afraid to try some alternative medical therapy and give them a try.

I’m glad I this site because in what you are sharing. Thank You!
I’m glad you found it too Tamika 🙂
When my eleven year old daughter was actively dying and in a lot of pain and discomfort, the chiropractor gave her some relief. I will always remember the work he did and the compassionate way he did it fondly.
I’m a believer.
Wendy I am so sorry for your loss! Thank you for sharing your personal experience with us.
I havent been to one in a year. I was going a lot & got used to it & than I financially had to stop. I want to go back but I cant seem to find one thats affordable.
I have used a chiropractor before but prefer to do acupuncture. It is much easier on your body and more relaxing. You might want to give it a try.
When i was an adolescent, i developed an on-again/off-again fever. My parents tried the family doctor as well as multiple specialists. Nothing worked. At the time my father was seeing a chiropractor for an on-the-job injury. Daddy mentioned it to the chiropractor. Before i knew it, the chiropractor had worked on my neck one time. The fever never came back. True story! i have never used a chiropractor again. i have a back problem now. i think i will make an appointment.
Louise Marie, Well make sure you see a medical practitioner too so you can rule out other issues….but yes! I sure wouldn’t hesitate to see a Chiropractor for your back! Glad he cured the fever when you were young 🙂
@ lisa lo: They don’t “break” anything. They adjust things that are out of place. And what you’re talking about is *very* rare. Chiropractors are no different than M.D.s, some are good and some are bad. Which is why you have to do your research and find a good one. If you are that concerned about it, just don’t have your neck adjusted. Chiropractors can fix SOOO many problems. M.D.’s typically just throw toxic damaging meds at you, or suggest surgery, where chiropractors actually get to the root of the problem. I love mine, and he’s helped tremendously when I was having some serious physical problems.:)
Thanks for your input Jessica
Don’t let them break your neck bones. .cause a stroke. They are scary and only as a last resort. One put me in the hospital ER for pain he caused.