Business Efficiency Begins with Healthy Employees
There’s no doubt that technology has advanced to the point of improving business functionality exponentially since the 20th century. Small and large organizations are capable of accumulating more wealth through Cloud-based apps, mobile devices and appliances that operate through the network such as IP security cameras. However, it’s the health of the employees that makes the greatest difference in efficiency. In fact, a sick employee may be unable to use any of these technological wonders.
Illnesses and Cognitive Abilities
Many illnesses deplete a staff member’s ability to think clearly and/or have decreased motor skills. This means that the most efficient mobile devices can be rendered useless due to the health of the user. While many apps and devices are simplistic to operate, a sick individual could still wind up staring at a screen for hours on end as their concentration is disrupted.
Paying Out Sick Leave
Many businesses will offer paid sick leave to employees in order to help keep their bills paid even if they are home suffering with the flu. Although this is an ideal perk to offer staff, it’s harmful to the business as a whole. A single person that is not at his or her position within the company decreases the efficiency of the establishment. Temps may be hired, someone has to increase their own workload or the job goes undone until that employee is capable of returning. The business is paying more for less work when someone is out with an illness.
Healthy Employees Are More Productive
In past studies, it has been demonstrated that healthy employees outperform unhealthy ones in nearly every way. Instead of trying to work while combating a sickness or physical pain, they can concentrate more on tasks. This not only allows workers to complete jobs quicker, but it can also reduce errors and complications during the process. More attention is paid to the position as a person’s mind isn’t being distracted by various ailments.
Insurance Premiums
Some insurance providers will reduce your premiums within the business if you offer preventative measures. Supporting health initiatives and providing benefits can reduce the amount of money spent annually on insurance while improving the company’s ability to remain highly productive.
Companies such as Wellness Corporate Solutions can help keep the business functioning in an efficient manner. Through modeling technology and health coaching programs, you can offer an alternative to living for staff. Give your business the best chance for productivity by making sure the employees are in peak performance.

If only more companies understood this! My husband’s company does though. they are great.