It’s getting to be that time of year again – garden time! Vegetable and flower gardens can easily be grown organically without use of synthetic fertilizers or pesticides. Whether you have always gardened organically or thinking about switching over, here are 5 organic amendments your garden needs today. Or when the ground is thawed enough to apply them and dig them in!
I am already planning for my garden and have my seeds planted and they are sprouting already.
5 Organic Garden Amendments
Earthworm Castings
If you have a lot of earthworms in your soil naturally, then you are very aware of the benefit these little guys do for our gardens. Earthworms eat kitchen and yard waste and turn it into nutrient-rich soil. It is an amazing organic amendment to blend into your garden soil. If you have the space, consider building an earthworm farm. If not, grab a bag of earthworm castings and add directly to your plants or make an earthworm castings tea and use when watering.
Earthworm Castings, 15 lb $19.88
Compost is the single most valuable organic amendment that your garden needs. It is full of nutrients, retains water, and can change the soil’s structure over time. You can build a compost pile or buy a composter that turns, which will make compost in as little as four weeks. Each time you turn over your garden, till in more compost. Add compost throughout your plant’s lifecycle as it will feed the plants the nutrients that they need.
Bone Meal
Bone meal is an essential organic amendment as it is gives the plant’s roots an extra boost as a source of phosphorus and protein. Bone meal is also needed by root vegetables or any plant that has a heavy root system, like tomatoes or peppers.
Blood Meal
Where bone meal feeds the roots of the plants, blood meal sends nutrients to the leaves and fruits. Blood meal is the highest source of nitrogen in a non-synthetic form. If a plant is growing a lot of fruits or vegetables, it needs to have blood meal added at least monthly.
Fish Meal
Fish meal is a well-balanced organic fertilizer. Add it as you are getting the garden ready and to sidedress the plants during their growth cycle. I prefer the dry fish meals over the liquids as the fishy smell isn’t as intense.
Dr. Earth Premium Fish Meal 9-4-1 $10.30
Do you have any other special tricks or secret you use to fertilize and amend your garden soil? I’d love to have you comment below and share!

Thanks for the great tips! My garden can really use some help this year
I am just starting to get into organic gardening, so this article was very helpful
i save water from my bath and rinsing dishes, to water my plants. also save old food that will decompose to throw in my plants and garden for added mulch. cant really use blood meal b/c scared my dogs would sniff and eat it.
Now that everything is not frozen it is time to get on it!
Spring is almost here. 75 degrees today with sunshine. Not quite gardening time here.
slehan at juno dot com
Thank you so much i have looking for the ideas 🙂
I have added compost to our garden and should add some of the others you listed!
Thank you, I have been looking for some ideas!
Makes me wish I had a garden to use these great tips. Spring is almost here.
slehan at juno dot com
I use the worm castings and compost– never tried the blood meal before — I think I will give it a try this year– Thanks these are all value tips for the gardener
We use laundry water straight from our washing machine to water and kill bugs. Seems to work for us 🙂
Yep if you had soil packed full of these- You could grow most anything! “Black Gold” !
I have never heard of bone meal before.
Use mulch to fertilize your beds.
I water my plants with the water used to wash rice .Rice water is a great fertilizer.