Helping Leaky Gut Syndrome With Essential Oils
So we’ve been talking alot about Leaky Gut Syndrome. It is caused when villi of the walls of your intestinal lining have been damaged which means they’re no longer doing their job which is allowing the right nutrients to be absorbed into your bloodstream and instead they are allowing nasty toxins and undigested compounds to enter. This causes your immune system to attack the body which then causes terrible symptoms. Did you know there are ways of helping leaky gut syndrome with essential oils?
IMPORTANT: If you are going to ingest any of these oils, as suggested. You need to make sure they are 100% pure oil, you can not ingest fragrance or perfume oils as they are toxic and will cause illness or even be dangerous. I can only recommend doTERRA Essential Oils for using internally.
Lavender Oil
One of the most used and gentle oils for helping treat leaky gut syndrome is lavender oil. It’s a natural anti-inflammatory and has a direct effect on the gut, take and put 1 to 2 drops of lavender oil into a glass of tea, water, or whatever you prefer every morning. It helps to heal the damaged villi and is very gentle on the intestinal lining, while also getting rid of the unwanted toxins with its antioxidant properties.
Rosemary Oil
Just like lavender oil, rosemary oil contains anti-inflammatory properties and is great with helping leaky gut syndrome. You take it just like you would the lavender oil, 1 to 2 drops in a glass of whatever you drink. You can take it in the morning or in the night, once a day. It will help your symptoms and allow nutrients to be absorbed into your bloodstream like they should be.
Frankincense Oil
Frankincense oil can help relieve any discomfort that you may have due to this syndrome. It helps with the digestion of food like digestive enzymes, which your body has a hard time doing when you have leaky gut syndrome. Again just add 1-2 drops of Frankincense essential oil into water or any drink you choose (not soda of course!) or you could add it to a tablespoon of honey.
There are so many ways to help treat leaky gut syndrome, these are just a few ways to help leaky gut syndrome with essential oils. Essential oils are amazing for just about anything and contain so many benefits. If you suffer from Leaky Gut Syndrome, I highly suggest you at least give these methods a try and see how much they can help.
Do you know of any other oils that can help treat leaky gut syndrome? If so share in the comments!

May God bless you and keep you protected and in good health so that you can witness many more such new years’! But first of all, enjoy this one and stay happy!
That so cool!
I didn’t know that this could help treat leaky gut syndrome.