Can Acupuncture Boost Your Heart Health?
How is Acupuncture related to Hearth Health? Keep reading. Heart disease is a leading cause of death around the world. In the United States, heart disease is the number one cause of death. As a heart healthy preventive measure for, and a treatment of, multiple heart diseases, acupuncture may be a viable option.
Practitioners of acupuncture, an ancient Chinese healing art and practice, believe vehemently that one of the many health benefits it delivers is a reduction in your risk of heart disease. Believers in acupuncture say it can reduce the chances that you will develop congestive heart failure, congenital heart problems, coronary heart disease, heart attack or stroke. If acupuncture can help even one of these, it is worth the time to give it a try!
Though thousands of years old, acupuncture is barely 30 or 40 years old in the Western world. Because acupuncture is so new it is not taught in traditional medicine and many physicians are weary of it’s practice. It is for this reason that the practice of inserting small needles into your body at strategic energy points is frowned upon by many in the United States, the United Kingdom and other Western nations.
However, globally respected health leaders like the World Health Organization (WHO) recognize the use of acupuncture for treating or preventing a variety of medical conditions. This move by a modern- day health organization to accept acupuncture as a viable alternative health treatment is important. It is based on decades of research which show a link between acupuncture and a reduced risk of getting heart disease.
Whether you will or will not develop heart disease depends on several factors. These include lifestyle changes you can make, like improving your nutrition and getting more exercise.
So try adding acupuncture to your traditional medical treatment plan for heart health and see if it keeps you healthy.

I’ve heard great things about acupuncture, though I’m a little scared to try it.
I would be sooooo chicken to try this.
I was very nervous..I DID have acupuncture for back issues. WOW did it help and my husband even noticed how much improved I was after just one treatment. It doesn’t hurt at all!!
I have always wanted to try this. I have heard a lot of good things about having it done.
Having a genetic heart condition, I doubt it would help me but since I suffer from Congestive Heart Failure also, I find this very interesting.
donnadmb ya genetic issues it doesn’t help with but it can help for much more than heart health!
I would like to try acupuncture sometime. It is suppose to be good for lots of issues.
it is amazing rachdean1
This is definitely worth a try. I have had acupuncture in the past for other reasons and it did seem to help. Thank you so much for sharing