In only 2 days, beginning February 1, 2016, we will be offering a 21 Day Yoga Challenge! Come and JOIN US! Yoga offers so much for both your physical and mental health! Come learn all about Yoga while you learn yoga poses and breathing techniques. We will cover the physical and mental benefits for doing yoga, the different types of yoga and which may be best for you, reasons for doing yoga and so much more!
Yoga is not just a great workout that can keep you toned and trim. It can also help you lose weight and find relief from medical problems like arthritic pain. We will be offering yoga related giveaways as well as a free e-book called Lose Weight with Yoga! If you have been feeling less than spry recently and need more energy and mental focus, yoga could be just the solution you’ve been looking for! Come join us.
The Yoga Challenge will be held on my new site Improve Your Mental Health. All you have to do is SIGN UP HERE and you will receive the free e-book Yoga for Health!
Then come on over to Improve Your Mental Health for daily posts with videos on poses and information that compliments the e-book as we practice yoga through out our 21 day challenge! If you have signed up for this event, you will get the daily posts right into your email! I hope to see you there!

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I love yoga and am thinking of pairing the yoga challenge with my kettlebell challenge, which is also starting February 1. That’s a double challenge, I know but the January kettlebell squat challenge went well for me and I used yoga to recover from the squats, so think this will be perfect!