10 Reasons To Drop Sugar From Your Diet
I have a very hard time and I do mean very hard time eliminating sugar from my diet. These 10 reasons are a motivating factor for me but I know it will still be hard and I am going to start with reducing sugar. Check out the following 10 reasons to drop sugar from your diet and let me know in the comments if you have other helpful ideas that have worked for you!
A few years back, we were told to cut back on salt. Then, we were told to cut back on sugar because researchers linked it to obesity, type-2 diabetes and a whole wealth of other health problems.
In 2016, the general advice became to drop sugar from your diet altogether. This is, of course, is tricky because many of us have a sweet tooth, like ME! The more sugar we have eaten over the years, the more our body craves it now. It’s just the way of it is.
The Huffington Post reports that in the US, the average person consumes more than 126 grams of sugar daily, which is almost twice the average sugar intake of all 54 countries observed by Euromonitor. That is a scary statistic.
Additionally, 126 grams is two times more than the recommended daily intake, which the World Health Organization designates to be 50 grams daily for people of normal weight.
However, eliminating sugar from your diet could save you from a myriad of health problems in the future. Here are ten reasons why you should consider dropping the white stuff altogether:
Sugar Is Linked To Depression
Sugar is on Prevention’s list of 5 foods that cause depression! Multiple studies have suggested that there is a link between a diet rich in sugar and depression.
It’s important to remember that the foods you eat don’t just release their nutrients, sugars, and calories into your belly and thighs; they also send them up to your brain.
Sugar Is Linked To Obesity
In 2014, the NHS responded to an alarming headline by UK newspaper The Daily Mail that claimed, sugar is the new tobacco.
The NHS found that the link between sugar and obesity is indeed very real, and is caused because sugar is loaded with empty calories (energy) that your body stores for later days. Only, the later days never come and eventually all that built-up energy is turned into fat.
Sugar Is Linked To High Blood Pressure
More and more American’s are being diagnosed with high blood pressure, and the Mayo Clinic suggests that a poor diet is one of the biggest risk factors.
The more sugar you eat, the more your bad cholesterol levels surge, which in turn boosts your blood sugar.
Sugar Increases Your Risk Of Heart Attack
It doesn’t matter how much you weigh, consuming more sugar just increases your chances of having a heart attack.
Figures in the past have shown that people who consume 25% more sugar than everyone else have a stronger chance of dying of a heart attack.
Sugar Is Addictive
While sugar is not classed as a drug, its effects are similar to heroin! For this reason, sugar is just as addictive as illegal drugs. Sugar hijacks the same neural pathways as heroin and cocaine and leave people craving more and more.
In addition, just like drugs, sugar can easily be abused.
Sugar Is Linked To Fatty Liver Disease
Sugar is largely composed of two simple types of sugars:
Fructose is very much the”evil twin” and heads immediately to your liver. Over time, too much sugar can cause a fatty liver, which, if left untreated, can lead to full-on liver disease.
Sugar Is Linked To Diabetes
No doubt, the biggest connection researchers have made is the one between sugar and diabetes.
Diabetes happens when your pancreas doesn’t create enough insulin, which is the hormone we rely on to turn sugar into fuel.
Sugar Could Cause Cancer
Although testing is still in their beginning stages, research so far suggests sugar could cause certain cancers.
Sugar Rots Your Teeth
Although sugar is certainly not the sole reason for oral issues, it can certainly cause some pretty nasty damage to your teeth.
This is because it leaves behind a trail of debris on your teeth, which, over time, can lead to plaque. This, if left untreated, can lead to cavities.
You’ll Feel Less Hungry
Because sugar is so addictive, it just makes you want to eat more and more. Cutting it out from your diet will balance your appetite and you’ll no longer feel like a bottomless pit of starvation.

I so need to eliminate sugar, but it is so hard. Sugar is absolutely physically & psychologically addictive.
I have been using splenda and flavored water for years but it doesn’t seem to help.
[email protected]
very interesting and helpful post
I unfortunately love sugary foods but after reading this I am going to try harder to avoid sugar!
I haven’t eaten real sugar for the past 12 years. I do however use splenda and now stevia. Are they acceptable? I don’t drink diet pop but do drink flavored water.
sisylyn53 Stevia is from a plant..all natural. However I would avoid splenda.
Thanks for this post, good information!
I think its also important to note that sugar is what FEEDS and makes CANCER cells GROW. The reason people believe sugar is linked to cancer is because the amount we consume, winds up being extremely inflammatory in our system – which is ultimately WHY WHY WHY it leads to the diseases you mentioned. Nonetheless, I need to kick my sugar habit myself, and it’s HARD.
Thanks for sharing this information. I need to cut out sugar.