TMJ problems?
I have suffered from ear aches, neck, and jaw pain and clicking in my jaw when I eat or move my jaw. I had jaw pain for many years and never really knew what the problems was. I knew I ground my teeth or as its called Bruxism. I thought the pain was from that. But one day I yawned, and when I opened my mouth really wide my jaw clicked and snapped then I could not close my jaw! I could not bring my teeth together and my jaw hurt really bad! Let me tell you it scared me to death!
I went straight to my local dentist and I found out that I had problems with TMJ or my temporomandibular joint. That is the part of the jaw where the upper and lower jaw come together. I really don’t remember what my dentist did except that he manipulated my jaw around and I was finally able to get it to click into position so I could close my jaw. Shortly after that appointment he also fitted me for a night guard which I have worn ever since (I’ve had replacements made) at night for my Bruxism and my TMJ pain and problems. (and looks just like the one in the photo above ) That was years ago! So if you find yourself having problems with jaw clicking, soreness or ear aches, you can find help for TMJ problems most anywhere including TMJ Dentist Richmond tx. My jaw hasn’t popped out since that one experience but if I don’t wear my night guard my jaw really hurts for days. And I have cracked a few teeth even not wearing the night guard. So don’t be shy if you have any jaw problems, get it checked out.
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md kennedy says
I’ve never tried a mouthguard – sleeping with the correct pillow and in the correct posture sometimes helps. Maybe a mouthguard is what I need.
Maddie Klingaman says
My jaw pops frequently,but it doesn’t hurt. I don’t grind my teeth. I guess I’m fortunate in that despite the TMJ issue there is no pain associated with it.
melanie t says
I’ve had a really hard time finding a splint that works well for me 🙁
Susan Alban says
I have similar problems. Thank goodness my jaw doesn’t lock up!
Colleen says
Olivia Douglass says
My husband grinds his teeth at night and ever since I got him the mouthguard he hasn’t complained of jaw pain or anything else!
cathy henatyszen says
TMJ splints are great and horrible at the same time… I had |TMJ injuries twice from vehicle collisions… upper splint first time… the next guy gave me a bottom splint, which I hated, and switched to a upper splint…
ALSO, THE OTHER THING YOU CAN USE, which is much cheeper is a sport mouth guard protector usually sold in the hockey section… only cost a couple bux, vs. the hundreds of dollars the other ones cost…
I lost 3 of the other ones, I should know.
Hugs… and happy holidays!!!
sherry b says
I know what you are talking about. It’s been 35 years but still works (new one now and then).