Bears in our Alaskan BackYard!
Where I live in Homer, Alaska, we don’t see too many bears in our backyard. They are sure cute but they make a mess around the yard. Last spring this bear got into our garbage…guess we need to break down and buy a bear proof trash can this spring. So this picture above is of a momma bear we had last spring in the yard. She is full grown and has a baby with her in front of her by the bushes. Can you see the baby? She is actually about the size of a huge sheepdog.
Bears are cute….she looks like she is jumping. I actually snapped this photo while she was walking. Let me assure you that it is rather nerve wracking to be outside working and hear crunch crunch and not know if it will be a bear, coyote or moose that jumps out.
We have since fenced our Alaska garden area with 8ft fencing. A moose can walk right over a 6ft fence. So I feel much more secure working in the garden now. Last year this bear decided she liked my raspberry patch and would take things into the bushes there. I was a nervous wreck whenever I picked berries. Now the bear doesn’t get into our fenced area too much.
Last year this lovely bear climbed up in our apple tree and broke the whole top of the tree off.
We have a nice flowering tree by our porch that the moose have ripped off xmas lights! Broke a bunch of branches but I bet chewing into lights gave it a jolt!
Oh yes..we also had a porcupine…HUGE one, eating our apples that had dropped in our fenced area of the garden. I don’t have a clue how it got into the garden. But I had to get a broom to push it to move along so it would exit the gate.
Ahhh yes Alaska, it is wild and I am getting use to it. But here in Alaska, I still look both ways before I leave my front door to see if there is an animal in the bushes!

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what a beautiful picture-never seen a wild bear myself
wow, they sure are beautiful to see! I would be nervous having them in my yard!
They look cute…..but I worry about you being outside in your garden. You need to be carrying a pistol 🙂 Stay safe this year!
Oh my I love it, I know they might be scary but I have never seen anything like that here in SC. I would love to see mountains like. That is my dream one day visit the mountains.